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the way to implement this would be kinda tricky since that fight is kinda locked into a fight only scenario, because he doesn't give the option to tease, maybe Hyao would add in a option where if the character was only holding lust potions or any variant of lust potions/arousal increasing items they would throw them during the fight at the alpha and he would get horny? but then again Logans burst of adrenaline that grants you a win would kinda negate any real way for the alpha to get the upper hand.... and maybe in that scenario you would accidentally affect Logan so that he also wants to either screw the alpha or get screwed? but at the same time that feels like it wouldn't fit that storyline since Hyao already made it so that Logan wins and it becomes somewhat important later in the werewolf storyline... maybe it would just switch to the original Bottom Logan story from then on, making Bernard the one who's in charge in a sense? actually maybe a better scenario would be the alpha comes back and wants his Alpha title and so he fights Logan alone and you stumble on it and can choose how it ends, those endings being that Logan beats his ass so hard the alpha just quits and leaves everyone alone, Logan loses so hard he just becomes a bigger shut in, Logan wins but had some aphrodisiac/lust potions thrown in the mix so he tops the alpha, the opposite of the one before where the alpha screws Logan (and depending on other requirements switches him into bottom Logan as a werewolf too) or it's a tie and the character intervenes and woops/gets whooped and Logan recovers or gets rage strength from seeing MC hurt and saves us. then maybe him saving us would make him more possessive because he may think we are not able to 100% percent of the time protect ourselves, so he tries to keep us to himself and slowly become obsessed with MC and finally accepts his crush on MC but in a crazier than regular way.

huh that's good idea..