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Thanks a lot for your efforts - I really start to feel guilty now. 

I mean not guilty enough to stop you from expanding your kit and solving my problems ;-)...

I just don't know if I could assist you any further because my knowledge about collisions is very small.

In the meantime I've moved most of your graph from the Character_BP to my PlayerController_BP. Btw. I've found a new solution to stop movement it's the UE4 ignoremovement function which puts a status on the character that ... well, makes the character movement to get ignored and is stackable.

If I didnt want feedback and wont offer support I would not have made this forum post. Thank you again for bothering me.

 My knowledge is also not that great but after I cleaned up all blueprints it somehow worked. I also included the function that it comes to you (optional to use). Ah interesting might use it in the future.