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it froze my f****** laptop for a while and i could not play it, i had to restart my laptop, is it beacuse it does not work on linux? (yes, i use linux, f*** off)

Hi, RaduDev.

Sorry to see that you have problems running the game.

is it beacuse it does not work on linux? (yes, i use linux, f*** off)

This game was compiled on march 2017 with Unity 5.6. I don't know if the build has lost compatibility on current Linux versions, but I bet that the problem is the poor optimization of the game in general (don't expect better results on Windows). Remember that was a practical excercise made it in only 4 weeks, with several restrictions, for a game development master degree, not a pulished game.

P.D.: I have curiosity to know if the Windows build run "properly" on Linux via Wine or Proton.

ok, thanks  for the reply