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This turned into "punch a hole in the box of enemies so you can kite them" very quick, but it had some satisfying haptic feedback to it and I enjoyed the feeling of it. The death animation is a nice touch, and visually it's a pretty and coherent pixel art style combined with emission/glow that works really well.

In regards to the theme there's not really much to say. There's a leveling system to increase two stats, both directly scaling the DPS, but nothing that hints at the theme that I can put my finger on.

A tip to allow for more strategies/play styles is to have enemies be more unpredictable. If you mix up the "seeking" behavior with pauses, like them performing a slow ranged attack or something as simple as the enemy running out of breath and need to take a short break, does wonders to break up the "blob" of enemies and force the player to adapt and maneuver around it.

Anyway, congratulations on finishing your submission, all in all it's great work! <3

Thank you very much for the constructive feedback!

I really wanted to do more with the enemies. That would have been the focus of the theme. However, I was ill prepared to take on that task. Only a day before the challenge started did I finish the 2D tutorial on the Godot website :p

I will continue working on this game for a while until I feel like I achieved what I set out to do.

Thanks again for the kind words. They have given me a few new ideas :)

p.s. This game would not have been as fun without the art that my friend provided. It made for good ambiance ;)