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(1 edit)

Hi I've been trying for a while to get this to work but I just can't seem to figure out how to hide regions. I currently have this triggered by an action button $fogSystem.coverRegion(2, true) It properly reveals region 2 when set to false, but doesn't re-hide when set to true. Is there something I'm doing wrong?

Hi there!

Since you are using script calls, I presume you are using MV right?

  • So, can you show me the event pages you are using to hide/show the regions?
  • The problem also happens on a blank map, with no other events rather than the one you are using to hide/show the cover?
  • What are your plugin parameter settings for the "Reveal Form"?

Thank you for the quick reply! Yeah I'm using mv. For testing purposes, the events only have the script call:  The map has other action triggered events. The reveal form is set to coverRegion in the parameters.

Hi there!

Sorry about that. It was indeed an issue. I was worried about performance and did a thing on code, but it does have a side effect that is this that you are experiencing.

I will not fix this now, because I wrote that code a long time ago, and it needs a revision.

But I find a temporary solution for you. Open the plugin file with any text editor, go to line 248 and delete everything inside this red circle:

That did the trick! I also wanted to note that I had to turn off fade in the parameters for it to work, but I can live without it. Thank you so much for your help and goodluck on that revision whenever that happens! Will be keeping my eyes out for your future stuff.

Thank you! Nice, it worked friend!

I will let you know when I manage to update it!

Just a curiosity or an observation: Some weeks ago I made a little game that is just a cutscene. And the name of this game is "Dear Hamona".

So when I first saw your comment here on the itch notifications, I thought: "What is that my own game is commenting on something?"  xD Because your nickname is almost the same "dearmona". Then I saw that it is different haha!

Good luck with your project ^^


Haha i'm sorry for the unintentional spook xD. Really neat way to show the flashbacks btw.