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This is a really fun shooter game! Managing mana and using my ability to clear huge amounts of skeletons never gets old!

The visuals are great, the characters and the environments all look solid, although I have a couple of things to address:

first, I wished there was auto fire, it starts to hurt my hand after a while (thank goodness I have an auto-clicker button in my mouse ('-v-))

second, the shooting audio is a bit too loud and when you shoot a bunch of bullets in a short period of time, it starts to hurt my ear a bit.

And one last thing, the teleportation ability is a bit broken, since it doesn't have a cooldown, so maybe add that? (or don't bcz broken abilities are kinda fun XD)

aside from all of that, this is a great entry, and it was very fun to play, good work dev team :D


Thank you very much for all your feedback!

You're right, there have been a few people to mention holding the LMB would make it a bit easier on the wrists, this is something we will consider for future games :)

And yeah the fireball sound crackles a bit when it gets spammed, we would've tried fixing this but sadly we ran out of time in the end.

We both decided not to put a cooldown on the teleport because we thought it might be a bit too difficult without being able to teleport constantly. That and it felt more fun teleporting around kiting the skeletons :D!

Thanks again for your kind comments it really means a lot to us!