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Really nailed the space vibe, its fair to say I would not get my space driving license and the upgrades did not really help with that, its like giving someone who can't drive, a bigger car!
Even after I'd realised the right and left were inverted, my brain would not accept it. 

I did think the collider on the little one should have been a smidge bigger. It took me a really long time to collect the bits to get bigger and even longer to get the first upgrade. I also thought the collisions with the bigger asteroids could have been a little more forgiving, I made it to huge and in a couple of knocks I was back down to medium and at that point I gave up.

I did think the first layer of parallax looked more like dirt on a lens but maybe intentional? The story said something about a telescope?

Didn't really get any connection to the theme but a reasonably fun and relaxing game.

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing and for the great feedback! The muddy-looking splotches on the background parallax layer are from the texture being blown up. I'm afraid there is not much I can do about that without manually erasing them all, which would take a while. Thank you for pointing it out tho, though I might take the time to do that in the future.

As for the theme, I went with "the death of a planet" being the beginning of the game. The game is set in the debris field surrounding the collision of two planets, as briefly described in the intro sequence. After all, the mass ejected from an exploding star or a destroyed planet will eventually reform into something new and continue the cycle.