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You lured me into a false sense of security. I saw a simple play game button with the default Unity font and style, and clicked the button with no hands on the keyboard. The music and first attack hit like a truck.

This game did not hold back. I love how much work has gone into making this boss’s attacks pure chaos, and the fact that every stacking resurrection has its own sprite is very amusing.

This is such an awesome entry and probably the biggest surprise of the jam.

I do have two main issues. Going fullscreen completely breaks the AI and you can walk into the right and left sides of the screen making it impossible to see the player or enemy when they enter these fields. That’s about it. This was awesome.


Thank you a lot for the review!

Did you try to go fullscrean via button on the right corner?
The problems with the walls should be solved with going fullscreen. its strange, that it lead to AI go nuts, I should take a look...

thanks again!

I think it must have been related to going fullscreen in the middle of the fight. Had I done it beforehand, it probably would have been fine. My best guess is that it has to do with how your boss fight moves around the screen after an attack pattern has started.