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Haha, thanks! Yeah, I love games that focus on outfits. It's hard to make. All the writing and gameplay and art assets have to cope with all the variations. I can understand if developers don't really want to tackle that. But I really wanted it, so when I set out to make this game, I put outfit variety (and voluntary obligations) as my highest priority. I'll try to fit everything else around that.

I also like erotic games that don't go straight into sex. There are a few games, where they focus more on tension and relationships, and you know what some characters want from others. There might be unwanted touching, or coerced exposure. To me, that's a lot more interesting. Ultimately, the characters will get their desserts, eventually. But I want to savor the journey, too. 

My goals for the relationship levels is that (roughly) at RL 2 she will agree to physical contact, at RL 4 she will accept nudity (which is why at RL5, she could start walking around without clothes on), and at RL 6 she will begin providing some services. At that point, she will have descended into putting effort for someone - at least someone she knows well - else's pleasure. It won't be sex yet, but it's everything just short of that. By RL 8, they will have known each other very closely for a long time and will finally have sex. But, I don't expect players to reach RL 8 with many officers or maybe any at all. So, sex isn't really the focus of the game. It should be special and unique, with officers that the main character knows deeply by then. Otherwise, my main hope is to focus on the gradually escalating work place harassment. :D


Boy, do I love your honey words :D

So if I understand correctly:

RL4 - Things like stripping naked, doing tasks nude, etc.

RL6 - What services do you mean ? Like blowjobs etc. ?

Because for me personally my favorite heroine archetype is prude being forced into embarassing situations, where she's ashamed and passive. But inside she hates every second of it. And ideally without sex, but with lots of groping and teasing.


Nice, I think we are very much on the same page, lol. A prude being forced into embarrassing situations is definitely the angle I want to go with this character. There was a time when I was thinking about a design dilemma. I could have made it such that she started off prudish but later became more enthusiastic about it. But, then I thought it wouldn't make much sense if she was enthusiastic about it on one station, and then skittish about it on another station. So, I decided that she should keep a tone of being annoyed about it, just bearing with it, throughout the whole game.

I'm also thinking about giving her a slightly different tone with each of the officer personality types. I think you'll like the sleazy officer events the most. I want to make them such that the main character professionally smiles at the officer, while also cursing him off inside her head.

I do have other character archetypes that I really like, but I'll have to save them for another game, lol.


God damn, so much teasing :P

I'm so happy about your view on heroine - pretty much non-existent in active projects today.

And yeah, even with current limited amount of events I like Sleazy interactions the most ;)

About prudish/enthusiastic I'd imaging MC to become more accepting the more she's being harassed or lower her morale. Where initially she would be aggressive/defiant towards the harasser up to accepting, like during loading she could accept groping her chest with texts like 'you happy now' etc. or progressing towards hands bra up to baring her chest or playing with nipples. Yet still with that hating whole ordeal attitude.

But that's probably way too many variables to follow


Yeah, that's something I do worry about, too. I don't want there to be too many possible permutations, or else the game won't get finished. But, I do have some plans like that! This is like .... waaay down the line, but I do have it in my documentation. I'd like to add a possible obligation, where the MC is required to let the station workers feel her up, just at that station. After the obligation is accepted, there will be new variations to the cargo room scene, where she stops brushing them aside. This could be used in the morning scenes as well. There are some other future obligations like that too, but I have to lay down some more roads first, like cargo room scenes for personnel and VIPs being moved.

Btw, I think the writing for the morning scenes are done (still need to transfer it into the game). It took a while, and I had to back track a lot. But, it's all part of practicing. I'll make a post about it later this weekend!