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(1 edit)

V2.0 review


- the character movement feels great

- the mechanics of the magnet (like the turning wall/door thing) are fun to mess around with

- overall the levels are fun to play and do have an aha moment


- The final level has a huge difficulty spike (all other levels took me 5-ish minutes and this one took 20- to 30-ish)

- I'm not sure i found the right solution for the final level, as it was very hard to pull off and very easy to mess up so badly you have to reset (did feel like a badass tho) (solution i found at the bottom of the comment).

- It's very easy to get softblocked in the final level and have to reset

- It's not very clear, but it seems like you need to hold control for a little second to restart. The timing is long enough that if you consciously press it but just too short you don't know why it's not resetting, but the timing is too short to stop you from resetting when you accidentally press control. Maybe make the timer a little longer and have an indication of how long you need to press.


- When finishing the game and going back to the hub, the aim line appeared behind the doors and pipes

- if you go in a level when you already have that key you can only get out by going back to hub

The solution i found (can someone tell me if this is the right thing to do?): 

1: go to the right of the screen with the magnet and activate the switch, so the big block is pulled up

2: Go to the middle platform (on the left side of the beam) with the magnet and stand around 1/3rd from the left

3: Switch the polarity of the magnet to red and throw it, when its halfway in the beam you switch it to blue so it is pulled up but not stuck to the beam. then hope it lands on the button

4: if you succeed, RUN to the left and hope you don't get squished


You can block the plaatform with the door thingy! I think the problem is that the part blocking is sticking out to little, so it's hard to see. Once you figure out that though you get through the level fairly easily. It was a great level to end on!

I also found that you can just lift yourself up by jumping onto the door as it flips upwards.  Not sure that it matters because your just a step away from the regular solve

That's a very cool solution! In one of the videos in Mark's dev log for this game he said that, due to mixing skill and puzzle based gameplay, the original demo had issues with people trying to do puzzle sections via platforming / skill, and platforming / skill sections via puzzling, and that moving forward he would stick to puzzles much more to avoid this.

This level seems like an example where perhaps the open endedness results in that problem reocurring. I did it a similarly time sensitive way, which I posted a video of in my comment. 

You have the middle block be in the up position, then switch the L gate with the magnet so that its in the way of the block's path down. Then you make the middle block fall, so it's resting on the L gate, and finally you set yourself up a bit right of the middle block, change polarities so that the magnet moves the L gate and middle block starts falling out of your way, and then time a jump across the gap really well so you can make it before the middle block hits the button and makes the left block fall on you.