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Excellent game. Much improved. I wrote down my thoughts as I played, so here's my feedback. Note that I played on an xbox controller. 

-I want a "stop throwing" button. Once you start a throw, it would be nice to be able to stop aiming without actually throwing the magnet. Something as simple as hitting 'A' while aiming. 

-The ability to drop through platforms by holding down and hitting 'A' while on a platform. If this is game-breaking, maybe certain platforms let you do it while others don't.

-I would like to replay a level with a ghosted out key you can collect like recollecting a star in SM64. Re-entering a level without a goal is just kind of sad. 

-That being said, a Key is not the right iconography for the end of a level. It feels like we have to collect the key and then bring it back somewhere, and the fact that we maintain control of the character for a short period after collecting the key adds to this feeling like we're not done yet. Maybe a star or flag would work better, something with finality. Or maybe keeping with the aesthetic of the game, a battery that can be used to charge another door. Or maybe taking control away from the player once the goal is reached is the right way to go here. 

-The smiley face gateway that destroys the magnet has the same red color as the magnet. That similarity, and also it having a smiley face, makes me think that there's some sort of positive connotation between the magnet and the gate. I tried bringing the magnet into it, and then I tried again with the reverse polarity because opposites attract and was confused when it was destroyed both times. If the icon is supposed to be a stop sign, I think getting rid of the smiley face and just having the red octagon would get the point across better. Or maybe even just an 'X'. 

-Aiming and moving use the same controls, and you immediately regain control of the robot as soon as you let go of the magnet. So if I'm standing at a ledge and want to throw the magnet down or across, I will immediately run off the edge after throwing because I am holding that direction to aim. This hurts especially on ledges of no return. The only fix I can think of would be to have a dedicated "Brake" button, like the right trigger, that stops movement on the ground while it's held down. 

That was a lot. So here's some things that I really liked about the game. 

The robot feels very good to move around with. A little slidey, but it makes sense with the wheel character design. 

Love the switch doors that can be activated back and forth just by reversing the polarity of the magnet. Very clever use of the magnet, and all of the mechanics like that are presented in a very intuitive way. 

I really thought the visual language with the bright distinct colors  and the little touches like how the green wires faded into the background when crossing the playing field, really made everything easy to understand and pleasant to look at. 

The logic felt very consistent. I like how any object can activate a green switch with enough force. 

Overall, I just had a really fun time playing the game. The puzzles were simple but all had that 'Aha!' moment, although I spent an embarrassingly long time on the last level. And most importantly, this is definitely a game about magnets. Excellent job, and I'm looking forward to seeing more!


Yeah, a battery, robot part, or something related to a magnet would be a more appropriate end to a Level.

great points i all agree with, now i don't need to write anything myself hahah