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(1 edit) (+2)

Super fun game with great artwork. I actually thought the controls were pretty smooth, but maybe that's because I spent the last 72 hours playing a gravity-control platformer, lol

The sprites and music were very endearing and worked well together and the physics was fun to play with. Did you like Boscaceoil? I haven't heard of it before

Thanks! Yeah, it was the same for me lol, I tested it a lot and didn't have too many issues because I knew what I was doing, whereas newer players didn't have that.

Boscaceoil is probably one of the best free music creation software's I've used, it's really simple to understand and use while still allowing  for a lot to be done with it. Obviously, you may need practice with it or at least some knowledge of music creation beforehand to understand a little music theory, but it's really easy to get into and mess around with/learn.