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I think you've forgotten you're on my Discord server.  I checked in here after a month(ish) and I'm pretty terrible about logging into stuff outside of Discord and Steam.

I'm happy to hear that you've found some enjoyment in working on teams.  There are 'jam' style teams that work on a variety of projects but most of those (that I know of) primarily need people who are either highly-technical (can do specialized coding) or are otherwise passionate about a specific thing (like Phantasy Star series or something) enough to learn about it and help whenever possible.  People with multiple-language proficiencies (reading/speaking/writing) in English and other languages are also highly-desirable.

All that said, working with a team sounds fantastic and my Discord server (as mentioned before) has a gamedev channel where you can ask any gamedevs if they're in need of people and what skills they have a use for.  It isn't all volunteer work either as many/most positions can be paid if you meet the qualifications.  I've also mentioned you could assist with stuff like game testing for alpha/beta games in development and learn about the process more from experts in the field (sorta an unpaid internship but without the typical demand on your time).  Personally had to step back a bit from doing that on a few games I'd signed up previously to test due to hardware limitations and my computer being close to burning out one of these days.  Gotta replace things before it happens but hardware shortages are still a thing in many parts of the USA.

If you ever feel like you want to take a break to do something else, please don't hesitate to ask either on my server or any indiedev type community.  If you're looking for paid positions then who you know is more important than what you know.  Networking is key!