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(2 edits) (+2)

I'm not sure what I'm doing incorrectly, but I can't get V2.0 to run properly.

Every  Time I launch the game I get a very tiny window that seems to have far fewer pixels than necessary.

I'm using Windows 11 and a 4k monitor. When I downloaded V1.2 it worked completely fine.

I've learned that if I set my monitor to 1080p, launch the game, and then reset the monitor to 4k the game launches with the proper native resolution, and maintains it. I'm guessing this is some unity strangeness. I hope it's not someone anyone else has to experience.

Same problem here.

I tried messing around with my screen's resolution and it didn't fix this bug for me. I'm using a 1536 x 864 monitor set to a 1920x1080 display by default.

I had the same issue, but changing resolution then going back to the original resolution fixed it somehow.