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Note: I have not played version 1.

In the main menu,  one button is always highlighted even if I don't hover anything. This felt a little weird.

Controls (mouse/keyboard):
The character movement was really nice. I definitely noticed the Coyote Time. To throw the magnet, my first instinct was to hold E and then click, which did nothing. Of course I figured it out quickly, but this might be something to consider. The behavior when simply pressing E/clicking is interesting. I don't know if dropping the magnet might be more useful than a short throw.

Hub World:
I don't know how to feel about the pipes. I appreciate the "use the magnet for everything" mentality, but maybe a simple button to enter a level would suffice. It's also kind of annoying that you always spawn at the start of the hub world and need to walk all the way to the next level.

Level 1 actually took me a minute to figure out. I just stumbled onto the fact that the magnet could slide by accident. Maybe the sliding mechanic could be introduced in a simpler scenario. 
Level 2 was nice and simple. An good introduction for the "transport magnet by switching by switching polarity" concept.
I discovered level 3's solution by accident when trying to jump across the gap while the magnet was in the perfect position. Level 4 was not too difficult because there was pretty much a single path you could take without getting stuck.
I probably liked level 5 the most. It had a cool concept and finally figuring out that you needed to press the buttons in the opposite order felt really satisfying.
During the final level, it took quite some time before I noticed that part of the door could stop the blue box from moving up. Maybe the door could be moved a bit to the left to make that more obvious.
One more thing: I had to retry some levels several times. A few more ways to get yourself unstuck after making a mistake, which aren't simply restarting the level would me nice.

The largest bug I noticed is the fact that holding Ctrl for a few seconds during the "Thanks for playing" section causes some, let's say, interesting behavior. The magnet physics under low ceilings can be a bit wonky and I got stuck briefly at one point. Letting go off the magnet when it was stuck to the ceiling didn't always work reliably. I'm also pretty sure that hitting a button once caused it to toggle twice one time.

I really liked it and I definitely see the potential of the game concept. The graphics are functional but still nice to look at. The levels generally have a good size and difficulty.
In case some platforming under time pressure is still an option: An Ori-style escape sequence could be really cool.

I actually recorded my first-time experience (including commentary). I don't know if that might be something of interest.

Yes, I like watching people play demos and small games for the first time. I don't know what it is, but I just like to see how they look at the puzzle or task at hand.