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I believe the game was in Unity right? Mind sharing what exactly happens behind the scenes when you press restart? Perhaps I can help :D


yep, it is in Unity. I just load the current scene with scene manager. Nothing extraordinary. That’s why I don’t understand..You can check the source code if it’d help 

Thanks btw! 

Alright I took a quick look and unfortunately I couldn't quite figure out what is causing it, but I did find that the PlayerLoop (heart of the engine, basically) is really getting stressed upon loading stages. Could be due to graphics being too intense but I doubt that, it might also have something to do with the double canvas you're using, or perhaps the Awake/Start methods you use. I'll look into it some more after work tomorrow :D

I just remembered, in the editor, when I used to press R to restart, I used to get error about new input system (I think). I dont remember exactly. But it wasn’t crashing in the editor. So I didn’t think it would be a problem. Tomorrow I’ll try to find that error again. But Idk why new Input System would have any errors