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Excellent game, I hope this one ranks very highly. The mechanics are introduced at good pace, and the checkpoints keep it from being frustrating. Top quality art and music. My only criticisms are a few softlocks (pic included) and a few spikes that fall on you from off screen.


Thanks for playing!

There is a few twitchs we would like to fix or pay more attention so we'll keep ur review in mind when doing so!

Thank you so very much  for the attention and the feedback! Means a lot to us!


Thank you! On soft blocks, we've tried to get rid of most of them, but it's still very hard because the player can die anywhere... There's a reset button for when that happens, but I wonder since you brought it up: should we somehow introduce this idea of blocking yourself and that reseting is ok and part of the gameplay? Or should we smooth our levels so that there is always a way out?


I'd say smooth out the potential softlocks. Levels designed around potentially softlocking would get tedious unless the levels were much shorter in my opinion. I also had a reset button in my game, it's probably the best way to go about it in a jam.