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Happy that there's at least one entry that actually used sound effects and camera manipulation! It has that nice "Pitfall" video game look. The collision can use some tweaking - I checked the code and actually have a few suggestions right away for addressing the quirks:

* Use btnp instead of btn on jumping so you don't end up with a wildly jumping character

* Tiles are actually 8x8! Making that adjustment greatly improves the collision

* Since you are jumping, you actually need to check the collision of the tile above you. The difficulty of the jumping can also be eased by slightly reducing the jump height (i.e. a less negative vy) and reducing the gravity (be careful in checking the tiles while falling though - sometimes you might not only need to look the tile directly below you because you might be falling at a faster speed, you need to do the checking at each step all the way to the target tile below you because the floor might be somewhere between them, you'll need to refer to the "Advanced Movement" section of our lessons, around Week 6!)

Great job and congratulations, you pass the TIC-80 course!