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i’m having a problem with lag with the notation version


Hi Sacco-dylan,

Sorry for the lag, I think the problem was I added a delay to check if you were hitting both the A+B buttons at the same time, but that probably felt like lag on an actually Playdate.  I changed this behavior to remove the delay and just set the value of the cell to empty if you start entering noting mode by pressing A+B at the same time.  I have uploaded a new version so if you re-download the game it should be better now.  Please let me know if this fixed your problem.  Sorry again.


No need to be sorry. I really appreciate all the hard work you are putting into this thank you so much 😊

(1 edit)

the very latest version sadly didn’t fix the lag on device for me, so that I prepared pull request with a few fixes:
please consider taking a look at it :)

also, the latest build/pdx archive is available there to download (for those who don’t really want to build the game themselves)


I have merged the pull request and will upload the new file here!  Thank you so much for fixing the lag and making so many improvements to the game!