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Pretty fun game!

I like the concept of being a seed and growing into a new sunflower!

Some suggestions for improvement in case you want to polish the game a bit more:

- Avoid spawning a rock right in front of the player start position. It makes the game feel unfair.

- Save and display the player's best score in the title screen.

- The audio settings are not saved. After restarting the game it goes back to 100% music and sound.

- Related to the previous point, it's a good idea to have the default volume at maybe 50-70% to avoid blasting the players speakers/headphones on first play.

- The feeding sfx is very loud or the sfx volume setting is not working.

Keep up the good work!


Thanks for the feedback and kind words.

I noticed the spawning issue but ran out of time to implement a fix and as for the sounds, thanks for the heads up and I'll certainly take that into account on the next project.

Cheers dude.