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I did a playthrough of this game a while ago. You can find the actual play here


Thank you so much for sharing your playthrough, it was absolutely wonderful to read it and see your experiences in the faerie world and with Lymselia!

In regards to the connections between the cards in each suit, my intent was that each suit gives experiences that could potentially link to the various endings: Hearts focus on the faerie royal themself and the player's experiences with them, Clubs are about experiences with the faerie court and world, Diamonds involve physical objects and treasures and Spades are the more unpleasant and/or dangerous experiences in the world. But everything very much depends on the player! For example, a dangerous experience with the kelpies could lead to more understanding and interest in the faerie world rather than fear of it, just as a day out with the faerie royal could turn disastrous despite their best intentions.


I just got done reading your playthrough and really liked it! Was nice to see someone go through the game and reach a different conclusion than I did. And I could tell you really had fun with it, which made me smile.


Thank you.