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Hey, Shawn! 

I've been following the delopement of Bronze Age for a while, thought to drop something for you as I just saw your template for congestion. I like the direction the game is heading, though I liked you trying original ideas that diverted from the Anno/Caesar formula. On the other hand my main grip would be with the color scheme you used in that template and that, I guess, will be the one you will use in the game. I am colorblind so the use of green-red-yellow is really tiresome and has deterred me from playing certain city building games in the past. May I suggest you try to choose a more distinctive palette for this kind of vital information? There are certain hues of red-green-yellow that are ok for colorblind people -ie the ones employed in traffic lights-, but the ones you use in those image are really hard to read for me. Just 2 cents on an issue I see really frequently in this genre I really love and that I know sometimes stops people from enjoying games they really want to play.

Keep rocking the ages!


That's a very good point about colorblindness. I plan to mostly show congestion with animated sprites. Small people will travel along the logistics paths, based on how many items are being transmitted. Their speed will be based on congestion, travelling visibly slower in congested areas.

There will probably be an option for a color coded overlay, and I'll try to take colorblindness into account.

Please feel free to make any other accessibility suggestions, I would find them very useful.