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(2 edits)

Here's a playthrough I uploaded for to show you it's for sure possible, you just might need to change up your technique & realize the bosses are harder than the normal opponents just as long as you train right:

Note: I purposely uploaded a run where I lost twice, because it would be pretty crummy if the creator had the best speedrun. Also that's not black nail polish on my thumb. I smashed my finger at work 🤣

Well it's weird because I think I press as quick as yourself but the bar doesn't progress as fast as in your video.
I used mesen and plugged in my controller to be sure these aren't the cause and I don't think they are.
I recorded two tries, you can see the input on the right bottom :

interesting. I think I’m pressing the buttons a slight bit faster from what I can see on yours. Someone messaged me today who made it almost to the end and others that made it to further levels. So it’s for sure do-able. All I can say is practice makes perfect.