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This game is... AMAZING! I LOVE IT! I HAVE NEVER SIMP FOR PAPYRUS BEFORE, BUT DANG- AFTER THIS GAME? HOW THE HELL I COULD NOT SIMP FOR HIM?!?! goshhh i really love you VN's Derpy, especially Dating Start! and the Dating Side lmao. Again, you did a VERY splendid job on this game! I'm looking forward to your new projects!

LOL Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it!  I have to admit, I did love Papyrus before making this, though I didn't simp for him. But after developing this VN WHOOPS I started simping for Papyrus, too XD

I'm so glad you like my VNs!  It's always wonderful to know that others enjoy what I'm creating!  Hoping to make more in the future!