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Wow, it's obvious you put a lot of thought into this game, and I really did like how you did the notes! Yeah it isn't done like a lot of typical horror games and feels more realistic, which makes the horrifying elements that much more frightening since nobody seems to know what was going on!

Okay I knew that can I found in the room must be used for something, next playthrough I'll give it a try. I'll probably wait for the save system update just so I can save right before, in case I mess up xD

I look forward to how this game develops! I personally love the immersive atmosphere, the sounds, the puzzle solving (which feels tense since you're in poorly lit rooms with again... weird sounds and not knowing what the hell is going on), and how there's not a reliance on jumpscares. I love horror but jumpscares are not really my thing. The monster sort of was, since I did freeze in fear and fail to react, but it wasn't too bad! I think how you handled the horror feels well balanced and all types of lovers of horror themed games could enjoy! ^^