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Honestly I'm having a great time with this! I'm really sorry I'm not able to do much to support regarding Patreon, but I'll do my best to share this with my friends or people who I think would be interested.

I'm def excited to see how Morgana will develop, and especially Qarinah's whole storyline, pretty slick of you to leave us on a cliffhanger there. :P

I'm glad you're enjoying the game! And don't worry about the Patreon thing - honestly, so long as people play CK and like it I'm happy :)


I appreciate that a lot, but do let me know if there's any way besides the ones I mentioned that I can support you! :0

Once I can comfortably spend money, I'm for sure going to support you on Patreon. I genuinely enjoy the whole story you've got going on here and the protagonist is legit super funny and likeable without being a self-insert, and has some common sense to him, hahah.