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Expansion on the wizard thing:
It might be less than obvious in the current version of the rules, but the idea is that the wizard gets one attempt to activate the orbital weapon. If they roll over their Elan, it doesn't go off, and they can't do it again, so you actually do want them to have a relatively high Elan anyhow.


Wow. Now that you've spelled it out for me, I feel like an idiot as it is perfectly clear in the ruleset. I don't know why I thought all units lost a point of ELAN per turn.

If you want to make it clearer, maybe just add the word free to that first activation description. As in:

"Each Unit may take a single free action when activated.

A unit may roll against their own Elan to take an additional action, so long as their Elan is above 1."

Also I dont know why I spelled it ELAM. Apologies. And its origins make it very cool, I would never have known.

Don't sell your feedback (or yourself) too short. It's clear once it's explicitly laid out, but in the original wording you had issues, and I can confirm other people I've had read the rules have similar complaints. Part of the issue is I have multiple 'things' per sentence, going to bullet point it out and then re-condense to see if I can make things clearer.