First and foremost: Art is important, but quality gameplay is crucial to the success of a game. Players will overlook bad art if the game is fun, but they will not overlook bad game play if the art is good(for the most part, I'm speaking broadly here); If players only cared about the art, they'd go to an art gallery.
My biggest advice to artistically challenged developers is use already created art packs as the groundwork for your game. You can find plenty of free art to choose from on and similar websites. From there, you can edit preexisting sprites, or create new sprites to match, to add to your game. You don't need to start from ground zero.
That said, if the screenshot you included in your original post is your art, I highly encourage you to continue developing your art skills. You are very talented! Do not discount your abilities just because there are people who may be better than you. If possible, join a pixel art discord group. Chat groups are great because they allow quicker responses in an informal setting.