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Thank you for the bug report! We have squashed a few bugs with keys left on the stairs. Whenever I see that, I’m concerned something is wrong. The pixies absolutely should take the keys down the stairs. Sometimes, it can just be perfect timing of a hit that kills them a frame before they descend… but if that were the case, you’d see a health potion there too. Sounds more like a bug the more I think about it. We’re going to look into it.


Thank you for the quick response!

The lack of dropped health potions also made me lean towards it being a bug!

I will comment some more if I notice anything.
Still, regardless,  I hope you'll have a nice day and a relaxing end to the week!


I have noticed the same bug while using an extremely fast monster (The one that permanently stacks speed, can't remember the name).
I am starting to wonder if fast creatures might be the problem.


Thanks for this report! We tracked it down and just fixed it!


Thank you! Have a nice day and a great weekend!


You were right! Speed kills! We just fixed it and posted a new build.


That brings a smile to my face!
I hope you have a nice day and a great weekend!