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Really nice game!
Came here from Retromation's youtube video.


Is it a bug or a feature that Pixies (I believe it might not  be spelled in this way, I mean the "10 speed/ Drops an Health potion" monster) can't bring the keys to victory?

At first I believed they might have died as soon as they got to the tile with the stairs, but they kept reaching the stairs and leaving the key on the tile, instead of carrying it to victory.
I lost 2 lives that way.

Just thought I'd share it in case it's a bug!


Thank you for the bug report! We have squashed a few bugs with keys left on the stairs. Whenever I see that, I’m concerned something is wrong. The pixies absolutely should take the keys down the stairs. Sometimes, it can just be perfect timing of a hit that kills them a frame before they descend… but if that were the case, you’d see a health potion there too. Sounds more like a bug the more I think about it. We’re going to look into it.


Thank you for the quick response!

The lack of dropped health potions also made me lean towards it being a bug!

I will comment some more if I notice anything.
Still, regardless,  I hope you'll have a nice day and a relaxing end to the week!


I have noticed the same bug while using an extremely fast monster (The one that permanently stacks speed, can't remember the name).
I am starting to wonder if fast creatures might be the problem.


Thanks for this report! We tracked it down and just fixed it!


Thank you! Have a nice day and a great weekend!


You were right! Speed kills! We just fixed it and posted a new build.


That brings a smile to my face!
I hope you have a nice day and a great weekend!