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What comes across as a normal space shooter or rail shooter becomes so much more once the interesting has stopped and you're ready to quit.
But let's start with the core game play first before the inception begins.

The core gameplay is solid, and looks amazing. The 3D models fit well and it's a herald back to fun old retro space shooters before they became utter bullet hells such as Space Invaders, Galaga, and Raiden.

The A.I is smart and knows how to dodge, and you can very quickly find yourself surrounded. The music as well is pretty solid as well, and I couldn't stop myself from bopping to it. I'm sure you will find yourself doing the same. 

Then when you're ready to quit and had your fill, then it gets weird. Very weird...

I won't spoil anything, but it's a nice turn on the head, and the visuals are incredibly well crafted to make you feel uncomfortable. Overall is a great concept, and I look forward to whatever games they come out with next.

So check it out and play it for yourself. It's worth a try.