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Well, I managed to get through this VN and I must say that the dialogue for this thing must have been written by a second grader and that's giving it high praise. I have read cheesy sex novels that are better written than this and have a hell of a lot better interactions.

I realize that this is an initial attempt in the making, but PLEASE, give the user something more than 60 minutes of constant repetition to get somewhere. I mean, the main character (MC) doesn't do anything other than clean the house (Morning) for a week in game before it's able to either clean the home office (Afternoon) or leave the house to go to work at the Coffee Shop (also Afternoon) or go to work at a Massage Parlor (Night) (after almost a week at the Coffee Shop), bathe, eat and sleep for the next day. Very repetitive and VERY boring to keep doing the same actions over and over and then get to the end at the massage parlor where the story ends in a cliff hanger. And if cleaning the home office just to see a piss poor animation sequence of the home owner rubbing his hand on the "inside" of her leg and not her ass is going to remain the same for the initial release, then this is not going to become very dull, very quickly. After a week of that in the game, a new activity should have been introduced. 

I'll wait and see if future releases are any better, but I personally would not pay for something this bad.

The spelling, grammar and sentence structure of the dialogue need a HUGE amount of work because it is an incredibly hard read Hopefully, it'll be better in the future releases, but I'm not holding my breath for it. Just sayin'.