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(2 edits) (+3)

I'm 20 hours in and I'm amazed at how much content is in here. There are so many side quests and different ways to move forwards (especially love all the different choices provided to win Mr. Wilson's favor)

I'm a huge fan of the main character. Instead of the "generic perv" we see in most adult games, we have someone truly unhinged in the best way possible. Seeing him not quite understand why everyone is shocked at his inapproriate ideas is very fun to see. The insightful dream sequences with him and Ruth are the cherry on top. All the students are all all interesting/likable and are fun to get to know. I didn't think I'd be a big fan of Debbie but she really grows on you after you "team up" with her

I'll definitely be sending money to show my support for such a well-built game!