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Very pleasant, just a chill platformer though I think it could have made a great fast paced tricky platformer with some additions such as limiting the amount of web Kim can use, kinda like Celeste with reseting the web amount on landing or you could go all out with no limitations, more speed, actual attacking and moving enemies and bossfights (I know that would have been hard to do in the time limitation but its just a thought).
Though this is only preference, but I really think the game should be faster.

Also one thing I noticed, sometimes the web fires very quickly and other times its very slow which makes it hard to time swings sometimes; dont know if that is intentional or not.

Thanks Luna!

Question about the web swing being slow sometimes: Did you happen to notice general frame dips when the grapple was slow? I purposefully designed the web to slow down if you drop below 25 fps so that way there's enough time/frames to run accurate collision checks lol