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oo! is there perhaps a left handed version?

(1 edit)

unsure, but couldnt you just flip the OBS source?

It'd be on the wrong side while drawing. There's a left-handed mode you need to toggle before flipping it.

You can switch it in the config file - SpudTabletArmSettings. You can open it in Notepad.

If you open that, there's a section called [Modes] and under that has;

;To make Spud Arm left-handed, you need to set LeftyMode to true and then Transform -> Flip Horizontal the captured Spud Arm source in your streaming software.

LeftyMode = false

change the word "false" to "true", save the file, and then in OBS (or whatever you use), just flip the window source. That way it'll be left-handed without your pen being on the wrong side of the tablet while you're drawing. Hope this helps!


oo, thanks sm!