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(3 edits) (+2)

AHHHH YESSSS!!!!! I get so excited when you guys join jams! I've been spending time on console games, so haven't played any VNs in a while. What good news to return to! Cannot wait to see what you guys make--I already love it by default lol. Thank you guys for always updating; such good vibes and consideration, I couldn't ask more of game devs. Take care of your mental health and try to not stay up late every day of the jam. 😂 I will be supporting on Kofi asap, grateful for all you guys do!


SDHGDAWGSG THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! 😭❤️❤️ I'M SO HAPPY TO HEAR THIS 😭🙏 You are too nice 🥺🙏❤️❤️

Staying up late?! Us?! We would never! 👀👀 lol but seriously thank you 🥰 We are doing our best to not overdo ❤️

and omgg that coffee boosted our energy so much 😭 you have no idea how happy you made us feel 🥺❤️ We'll keep working hard to bring more fun games!

Thank you so much and I hope to see you around 🥰