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Wasn't much because of the option I did choose, but it still natural and true to the characters, not sure I can understand how he can be THAT much intolerant, but no wonder he keeps having issues ^^;

Things do get frustrating and sometimes we need time away, and sometimes enough blows compound into a fracture, which can really cause a mess with our perspective on things.

How does one easily right a reoccurring wrong, when relations and trust plummet so low?  I do wonder... it certainly part of his past as much as me stating my issues with issues.  With time things will be revealed.

Also I want bed too! X3

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Wait you've done reading it? That's fast! XD 

And if I guessed it right, it seems that you've chosen the first one, is it? (>w>)

Also, it's quite a rare sight for you to be philosophical like this. (U3U)👌🏻

When I swing, I swing hard, really fucking hard..., it what happens when I find someone who has forsaken what they stand for, small hypocrisies are fairly normal, but when it stands to be as clear as day, I may have to result to scorched earth...  oddly enough there is several anime characters who do similar for good or bad, going beyond rational to fight irrationality, toxins and poisons seep both ways once spilt..  after all sadly the only way to eliminate a parasitic fungal infection is to burn it all down to the ground, if that doesn't work out well enough or is even tried, that is where countless suicides can happen, but that is only if one gives up too easily, and doesn't seek out help.  There are so many sad realities we are all blind to because we have not seen or dealt with it, but it works both ways, one cannot assume others will understand what they have or will be going through at first.

As the moon rises so does my philosophy..., been that way since 8, nearly 21 years now.

Its sad when enough instances of similar abuses lead to collateral damage because others are unaware, it is not fair to them, but neither is fair to the one who abused, thus by one not asking the right people the right questions often enough, major discords can happen over time from lack of communication, for things still can happen when one isn't looking, and 3 seconds is all it takes for something avoidable to happen... every 3 seconds...

Its harsh but it would also be irresponsible to drag others into unneeded drama, even if I was the target, but by the time things are realized even kind words mean nothing when actions have already been taken.  Even in anger its important to be rational, it should only be directed at the ones who have made you feel that way and no one else, otherwise you are just exchanging one senseless tragedy for another, and the cycle can domino effect.  There is many historic events, books, and movies on these sort of events, over 9,000 can occur in as little as a month, but only maybe up to 100 ever have any true or lasting impact, causing thoughts and perceptions to be skewed and twisted, to the point where even rationality is thrown out the window because the issues were not addressed soon enough before they boiled over.  none are immune to psychological traumas...

Such is the Creed to fight against those who want to impose their way of thinking onto others, rather then trying to help each other understand WHY they think about things in the way they do... Learning is never over, knowledge is never complete.

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What the fuc- WHO ARE YOU?! WHERE'S MR SARUN?! (ÓAÒ) 

Aku tak faham apa yang hang cakap! I'm not majoring in English! (>Q~Q)>

But sure they sound deep tho (UwU)👌🏻✨