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Good for visualization but it really needs the floor pattern; part of the "braindead strat" is that you move to the center of the rear exaflare, then to the intersecting lines on the floor (of the two south diamonds). This would make practicing much more 1:1 with the in-game movement.

The pattern can be found at as "dsu-p5" if you wanted to potentially implement them.

Ah thanks for the link – was searching for something like that when I first made this actually.

tbh I originally made this before the braindead strat was published – I wasn’t sure if it would be useful afterwards. I’m aware it has some other inaccuracies that prevent it from being 1:1 already, I’ll try fixing them along with the floor patterns as soon as I can


No worries, it can definitely be rough trying to translate every little nuance into a format like this. Thanks for your work!