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Merch updates and orlandoXdave smut

(1 edit)

Hey Cerberus have you seen/played the latest patreon update?


Yes, why?

Potential Spoilers:

What did you think of the end of Path A so far?


Thanatos is going to do his own thing and everyone is more or less expendable. Seems aslong as dave is alive he's happy regardless of the state dave's in.

What do you think is going to happen though? The end of Path A has me concerned.


Of course its concerning but as for whats going to happen thats clear enough. Doms deal needs to happen but even if it does happen things can still go down hill.


God damn my brain is mush it should not take me about 20 minutes to type 2 sentences.

It happens to me sometimes. 😂😂😂

No I meant the conclusion of it. Why did Thanatos put Dave under? What was Roswell going to say? I have a feeling we're going to have to choose between sending someone else or Dave.


Roswell was saying about a trap if that was a memphis trap or thanatos we don't know. 

Thanatos i won't even speculate about that he's too much of a plot black hole considering the 'i know everything' he's got going on. Either he knows what he's doing and this helps or he's trying something new and has no idea how it will turn out. (worth noting we still don't know who his master truely is and this could be something he was just asked to do)

Choosing who to go with Oz is very likely the center point of the next day. Personally leaning to sending Tyson or Dean. Tyson because like he said he can see in the dark but i also think Grizz would put him in harms was because he knows how well liked he is as a curve ball. Dean i'd send just because he's sus.


You think Dean is suspect too?