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Alright, I'm actually really proud I managed to figure it out eventually without looking it up!

I had just come off of a kick of others watching scary/unlabelled tapes, and then itch throws this game in my face and I just HAD to play it! The puzzle was really cool, and the clips were so eerie! I give this so much credit for creating some a scary vibe whilst never having a single jumpscare!

I don't know why my phone didn't like the QR code for some reason, in the next episode I actually went through and recreated it in photoshop by hand to try and figure out what it was leading me to. I guess at that point I probably should've just looked it up, haha. Can't wait to see what else you have in store!!

Very curious about the tape footage, if it was recorded specifically for this game, was it actually old footage found somewhere and cut together with music (except the secret tape......hopefully...)