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Wow, thanks for pointing me to that - it made my day!  It's a great play-through.

I hope Elric made it to the end of the pyramid!

If you like Dungeon Hero, you might be interested in my upcoming sci-fi game Welcome Aboard, Captain which uses that same 2x2 mechanic for delivering a Star Trek like experience with a procedural mission generator and more pre-authored adventures.  The intro adventure that teaches you how to play is already available for free.

Again, thanks for posting that - it was really cool to see the colored versions of those covers!

That looks super cool! Will definitely check it out!

Well, ever since you posted your video, I’ve been getting a big stream of interest and sales in the game compared to normal. And a lot of your viewers (assuming they came here because of your review) are the type to generously tip on top of the minimum price.

So, thank you thank you again for taking the time and effort to make that video - it really helped! Dungeon Hero is sitting at the #2 popular physical game right now.  Wow!

You are welcome sir! I posted my videos on the Dungeon Dive and Solo Adventure FB group so I assume most of the viewers are from there! Guys in these groups are great fans of Solo RPG games and Dungeon Crawls so Dungeon Hero is the perfect match :)
You should join the group if you are interested and maybe tell us about your other games! Also Daniel (The host of Dungeon Dive youtube channel) is awesome :)