Having played some more, here's my thoughts:
A lot more fun with the new changes. Having a few more coins under the belt made other tactics more viable, though a lot of them still end up dying to being too slow near level 30. It doesn't feel like I need to use skill to dodge the enemies other than slightly dodging their bullets, since they will home at me at increasing speed, with either me outspeeding them, or them being faster than me with no way to dodge.
There might be use for a "slow down" button against the ox boss, some of its patterns are plain impossible when you have a high move-speed.
The game is missing some basic features like progress being saved, and no volume sliders. Saving in particular is very annoying to not have.
It was a lot of fun finding all the different hidden abilities, though I wish it was possible to see which ones I've managed to find (and possibly what I did to unlock them). Specifically in-between runs, being able to see all I've unlocked ever
Some of the stat boosts don't match up with what they do, all attack speed boosts for example only give 0.1a/s each. Piercing swords also doesn't seem to work, or doesn't scale with projectile damage. Permanent bleed doesn't stack with upgrade bleed.
Lucky requirements are a bit unclear to me, it feels like I sometimes get it with less stat up upgrades than other times, but might just be me remembering wrong. Anti-projectile *can* work, but only if you have the speed to back it up. Oxe boss projectiles seemed to require a much much higher amount than the rest?