Home Page
The use of colours for the background image was appealing and the images gave me a visual cue of what I could expect in the game. The politician with his intense eyes drew me to the centre of the page so the game title was not immediately obvious against the smoke/clouds in the sky and could be hard to see in people with low vision. The Play game button did not provide any user feedback and the Help buttons rollover colour could have been more contrasting. The buttons could have been given more emphasis to stand out against the background.
Game Page
As soon as the Play Game button was pressed the game launched and it was not obvious how to move the character in the game. Based on previous user experience I immediately tried the spacebar and arrow keys and was confused when these did not work. As the game did not use keyboard controls it could be better to offer the user a quick hint explaining the moral compass and how to use it to give the user a better experience when first using the game. The click area could also have been larger on the north and south so that you didn’t have to be so precise to manipulate the character (ie could have also incorporated the words jump or slide as my natural reaction was to try clicking the word and not the arrowhead).
The score faded into the background and could have been more highlighted.
Help Page
I felt there were too many instructions and story on one page which was overwhelming.
The Home button from the help page did not work and the Play game button was not aligned correctly and appeared to be smaller than the home button.
Credits Page
I loved the illustrations and animation on the page but would have liked the text to scroll a bit slower to read the inspiration message in the credits without having to go back to the game a couple of times to read. Would have been good to leave that message on the screen.
I really liked the originality of your theme and the illustrations. Great work Jack!