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- put your games in a folder, then zip that, so it looks like ""
- put a back button in the options menu: if you can get somewhere using the mouse, you should be able to get out using the mouse too (RMB instead of a back button?)
- why press space to advance text instead of LMB after clicking menu buttons with LMB
- preference: hold the tooltips stable on the hovered icon, no matter where the mouse is on it
- not sure how targets are decided or why I would want to change them since I have the option
- not sure why targets reset after I chose to nuke a single target with all my fighters (have the option to default to nuking even if it's overkill?)
- orange lines aren't mentioned anywhere (I assume it's the cleave skill second target, should branch out of the main green line maybe)
- can't do math on who to hit because can't see numbers and not sure if it's intentional, could be interesting if it is
- let me use numbers not on the numpad
- let me press a number to select which unit to retarget
- two of my guys didn't have a target at the start of a fight
- didn't heal anyone, mage guy lost value still, a real mage 
- I'd rather kick the mage than have him cheese into the girl's panties by being low value
- seems like that's caused by using his skill? would be nice to have it disabled by default then
- and they lose vlaue by attacking too seems like, then I'm not sure why value matters much (weird mana?)
- I'm at level 10 and everyone's over 50% health, used heal maybe 4 times and lewd twice, feels too easy, or I'm accidentally playing right, which is less likely
- warrior guy died at level 14, brought him bag to life with raw passion, mage guy miserable about it as usual
- being able to target dead bodies could mean something (heal by eating them?)
- at level 15, just gonna stop targetting and healing to see how it ends
- level 17 (or 18?) everyone's stuck in combat with no health

Seems like most problems stem from you mixing mouse and keyboard inputs. I know most of this can be considered nitpicking, which you can excuse with being early in dev, but if all those things were fixed, I wouldn't care that the art is shit and there's no real visual or audio feedback. I think there's value in a tight combat system with unknown numbers (even if not intended), but I would expect to be able to anticipate outcomes if I pay attention. Seemed pretty elegant in general and will make me play a new version for sure.

I appreciate the nitpicking, thanks! It's good to know even little things that could be improved.

Considering the game will need to be played one-handed in distant future versions, I should really consolidate everything down to just mouse or a handful of keys.

I'm glad to see people making it to double-digit fight numbers. In the pre-abilities version, it was tough to get to even 5 or 6 fights without everyone dying. Hopefully it'll find a balance sweet spot after I add enemies with abilities.

Not sure why party members are losing value so much, they should only losing it from heal-related jealousy and being ordered to change their target/use their abilities. I'll see if I can replicate it - I suspect they may be losing value from their own decision to use their ability.