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(1 edit) (+1)

I really liked this game, it was fun that you can ride your trains. I also found the controls somewhat confusing, it would be nice to be able to pane the camera with wasd/arrow keys. I like the idea that you can only place rails next to other rails, but maybe remove the tile click effect when you click invalid tiles, to make it more clear that they are not allowed. Would also suggest adding some volume controls, I know it does not feel like a priority, but it make the game a lot easier to keep playing.


At one point when I clicked to view a train I ended up at a black screen with no way of getting back to the game.

Trains also stops working if you modify the track they are using. had to delete them and re buy to get them to work again. 

The tile clicking to open the rail menu seems inconsistent, often the menu does not open.

I am looking forward for more updates to this, god job. :)