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Hey Dubber,

We have played VS haha To be honest, it was a bit of the starting point. We thought it was great but that we could add our own spin to it (and apparently, you like it so it's great to hear). At the moment, there are health upgrades but I believe they seem underwelming in regards to other upgrades. I think we might add more items that synergise with the amount of health you have to entice the player into investing in that. Also, health does drop albeit not often enough, we will look into balancing that.

Sound is coming! Soon hopefully, we have a couple of people working on it and we can't to let you hear it!

Anyway, you seem interested in the project so maybe you'd like to join our server and follow us up close. Here is the link :

Have a good one!

That's definitely true, health drops are really rare. Then again, I did make it through a few times. It does make you less careless. Every drawback has its advantage.