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Hello again!

Sorry for the lengthy comment, but I really want to fix this because I really want this to work!

Using the Beta 27 of the New Super Ultimate Injector, the Rom Save Type is set permanently to unknown:

So, I tried GBA Tool Advance to patch it, and apparently, it doesn't have a Save Type...

And because of that (I think), I can't seem to patch it. 

And using VisualBoyAdvance-M, it doesn't generate a save file too after I opened the game for a minute to play it, and unfortunately, it doesn't save it.

Again, sorry for the lengthy comment.

Any ideas? Any help is appreciated!

(1 edit) (+1)

Since the game is new, it's not going to be on any database so nothing auto-detects the save type. It looks like NSUI 27 doesn't let you manually set it, but I found the beta 28 here which does. You could also use the old Universal GBA VC Injector which also lets you choose the save type.

GBA Tool Advance patches the rom to support SRAM, but that isn't necessary since the game already does. Your problem is getting the VC Injector to use the correct save type.

In VBA-M you also have to manually set the save type to SRAM by going to Options > Gameboy Advance > Configure. Set the save type to SRAM 128k before opening the rom and it should work
though I'd recommend switching to mGBA.

Hope this helped!

Hello once again!

Thank you so much for the help! It finally works!

Used NSUI Beta 28 (after fighting my antivirus and putting an exception on it) and now it finally saves!

Sorry for the lack of knowledge and again, thank you so much.

Wish you success! 


No problem, I'm glad you got it to work!