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Here's my feedback with a few suggestions:

1. These scenes seem useful for a new Player, but become repetitive and tedious after multiple playthroughts.

Suggested fix: make them toggable (with default setting ON, for the Noobs)

2/3. These increase replay value and make the game notably easier than version 0.1.  I hope there will be more bonus options in next patches!

4/5. Both help to understand the rewards. Good to have them.

6. The new outfits look good, but many are bugged. Here are the bugs I've seen so far:

- if the pilot already wears a Skirt and agrees to wear a short Skirt, nothing changes.

- if she is asked to wear her Shirt in a sexy Knot without removing the Jacket, nothing changes, but if when wears no Jacket, it works fine. (unbuttoning the top Buttons to show Cleavage works fine both with and without Jacket)

- if you rotate the body, the Skirts seem to sit much higher on the back side than from the front (the Hem to Waist distance doesn't change, it's just shifted down for frontal view and up for the backside, that's irritating)

- If I decline a proposal to wear some clothes or do lewd things, the Officer asks the same thing again and again until I agree.  It would be much more fun if they made a different proposal after refusing.

7. The new UI looks better and more immersive. A few Suggestions for further improvement:

- change the order of Next/Previous/Finish to either Finish/Next/Previous or Previous/Next/Finish.

- change a few terms to fit the sci-fi setting: use Spacecraft instead of Aircraft, Holo-Movies instead of Movies.

8/9. Both things are helpful.

Summary: It's a good update, I hope you'll fix the bugs with the new outfits soon.


Awesome, thanks for the feedback! Yeah, that outfit display bug is a big one for me. I'm gonna work on that next.

In regards to writing, it's something I'm giving a lot of thought. I want to use what I call dynamic scenes, which you can already see in the erotic scenes, like in the cargo bay. The idea is that the same scene scene can have a lot of variations, and new variations could occur if conditions change. But in practice, I don't know if they are interesting (maybe they come off really generic), or if they are sustainable in a development sense. Maybe it's better to use short scenes that don't change much instead, because they can be a bit deeper, and I can write more of them. I'm not sure yet, but I think I'll experiment around a little bit. What do you think of the way the lewd scenes kind of shuffle around?

One thing I would also like to add is a fourth button, that lets you skip to the end of a story. That will be especially nice if like you said, you're slogging through the intro tutorial stuff again. It also would be nice if you just want to know how much you made on a mission, or how much morale you lost in a scene.


In this version (and 0.1) there are too few scenes, and the ones that are in are repetitive, but it's OK for a beta version, I expect you to add more scenes in future updates.

The most annoying case are the sponsored Dates. I would expect more stuff to happen, especially with multiple dates with the same Officers, but that would probably require more personality types. BTW, are sponsored dates supposed to be only with female Officers or just unlikely RNG?

A Skip button could be useful for some scenes, but not in this case: pressing Skip every time is more complicated than going to settings and choosing ON/OFF one time.

Okay, thanks. Yeah, the sponsored dates are only from the stern female officers. she's kind of a mama-san, who won't do sexual things with the MC, but she'll send the MC on dates and take the payment for herself. I plan for the dates to escalate later. In the beginning, the customers can't touch the main character, but later they will. Afterwards, they'll be allowed to invite her home, as well.

The other officers will also have their own niche. The sleazy female officers will be more of an aggressive bisexual. The sleazy male will want to take photos of the MC and circulate them around the station. The stern male will try to humiliate and dominate the MC. That's the general theme, anyway.