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Good game!

At first I wasn't exactly sure how the mechanic worked, but I figured it out pretty quickly.
I sometimes had some issues with guns/projectiles being a little inconsistent, sometimes they wouldn't attract properly or wouldn't hurt enemies when thrown, or they would clip through the floor.
I liked how you were also able to repel enemy bullets by using LMB.
The intro camera animation was also really nice, although the text could be a little clearer (only just noticed the U is a magnet, and "to a" is a bit vague too, could use some lighting).

Overall a pretty good game! Good job.


Thanks for the feedback! The  issues with the projectiles not working just comes to not enough play testing being done. For instance, bullets get destroyed when they hit any object, which includes an enemy's gun. Fixing those things just weren't high enough on the priority list. 

The lighting was somewhat intentional, although in hindsight maybe it was a bit too hard to see. Anyway, again, thanks for the feedback! I'll start working on those (of course, I won't submit the changes until the game jam is done).

Let me know if you end up releasing a build after the jam, I'd love to play it again :D
If you want, I'd appreciate it if you could check out my game as well: