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Hi! Just tested your game. Here are some of my thoughts:

  • Gameplay concept is nice and the game is mostly easy to play but it was not immediately clear to me how I could proceed trough a green wall. Even after seeing the instructions it took long to realize that I can throw stuff my changing the magnet type. 
  • It was not clear why the red magnet attracts and blue repels. It was difficult to remember which way they were. 
  • The game looks nice visually. I especially like how the computer screen is used as the menu and related camera movement. Also, the room and furniture look great. Did you use Sloyd for making those or are they your own? Although the red/blue walls and the ball(=magnet) did not really fit with the other assets.
  • I liked that the game was playable with only keyboard and I did not need mouse to use the UI. Controls were simple and understandable also in the game itself. In the menu on the other hand I would also liked to be able to select buttons with Space because I also used that key in the gameplay (instead of Enter which is used only in menu). 
  • Highscore list does not have names only some unrecognizable ID numbers so it's difficult to say who is leading. I would like the score board to have names. If that is not possible, at leas you might consider removing the ID numbers and only show the top scores because the IDs don't really offer a player any useful info.
  • The play again button after losing the game leads to the main menu instead of actually starting the game again. This is not how it usually work and as a player I would expect to be able to start the next round as easily as possible. Even something simple as clicking trough the menu to play a second round can be off-putting and might lead the players to stop playing quicker than if restarting the game would be made super easy.

Hopefully this is helpful.

(1 edit) (+1)

Awesome, feedback! Thank you so much for playing and giving great feedback! I will check out your game when I get home, my work blocks the HTML versions.